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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Nyan Cat Costume

Promised my baby cousin that I will sew up a nyan cat costume couple weeks ago. I finally got around to doing it today so heres the complete results!
J.E.T. as Nyan Cat
The whole thing was sewn by me <3 It looks kind of whatever but I figure she would only wear it for this year so it was quickly/sloppily put together with a sewer and some fabric adhesive. Well, happy hallows eve <3 have fun tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Team San Jose project

For BUS119A we are creating the interface for a mobile website for SanJose.Org. This is their current mobile website here.
Current version of our interface:
Project Directory of all school files:

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Job Interview

Had a job interview at Western Digital last Saturday. It was short and honestly the supervisor there is pretty laid back. I got the job! Just waiting for the time and date for training and open available position. -_- I feel a little secure now about my financials since this job is going to be enough to take care of my mom and I for awhile. Wish me luck!