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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Movie Night!

Watched Pirates of the Caribbean today! I loved it as I do all the other installments! It had a sense of predictability as well as mystery. Anyway, I fairly enjoyed it! Plus, I haven't had a date night in a long time with the boyfriend so it was fun. :)

I was watching the previews and I'm pretty psyched about all the upcoming movies from Transformers: The Dark Moon, Harry Potter: The Deathly Hollows Part 2, Hangover 2! ZooKeepers seems funny but you never know... it might have been like Mall Cop, fat disappointment because all the funny bits of the movie was shown in movie previews/trailers.

Also in theaters that I want to watch is Bridesmaid, Thor, and Fast Five. Too many movies, too little time. I only got weekends free; the rest of the week I'm stuck at home. boohoo. Can't win them all.

p.s. I updated my flickr account as well as the blog design. Its a tad bit different but its not like anyone notices anyways xD

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