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Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Since I was in 5th grade, I have been fascinated with the internet. My favorite search was about Sailor Moon. Somewhere in the line of looking at fansites about Sailor Moon that I thought about making my own website. I started out with a pre-existing template to going onto forums about starting a webpage from scratch. This has lead me learning about HTML. My HTML skills are self-taught. Although I may not know all the HTML codes, I feel that I am very competent in creating a webpage through using HTML without help. I enjoy creating templates and design so learning HTML was fun for me.

Fast forward a decade later, I've taught myself CSS. I went to school for basic programming and now I'm here trying to teach myself Javascript. Honestly, Javascript is very interesting but difficult because its case sensitive! I was so use to working with Visual Basic because it has intellisense which made it easier to type codes. I'm just a beginner but I hope to do better! I wrote a script to navigate back and forth at the top of each page. Its pretty fun! Will be testing more out soon :)

The challenge for myself this summer is to learn JavaScript or at least the basics of it! In order to retain that knowledge, I am going to try and apply all that I've learn into Jen-Tran.Com. Wish me luck!

Challenge: Basic JavaScript Knowledge
Duration: End of summer 2011
Starting today, June 28, 2011.

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