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Friday, May 27, 2011

Hangover Part 2

I went on a triple movie dat night to the movies to watch Hangover 2. HangOver 2 was hilarious. This sequel lived up to its parent film. I just couldn't stop laughing. However, I thought the first one was better :) Won't be a spoiler but I'd give it a 9/10. I give it a nine because it wasn't as funny as the first one but its just as good. Same cast members and yes, with all the ridiculous plots.

Since the school semester is over, I was finally able to do some projects I've been wanting to do like make a keychain with my name on it. It was tricky but I did it. Here are the results:
The plastic didn't come out as thick as I wanted it to. I'm going to try another method to see how it'll work. Or just design some earrings and cut 'em out.

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