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Thursday, June 16, 2011


Life is different without my father. Mom is doing better than she was last week. Finally spent the day with just mom and I at home without Helen... it turned out fine. Took her to Eastridge and cooked pork chops at home.

I know things are so random. I don't know what to say but thanks to all my family and friends. My fathers funeral went well and had a bigger crowd than we expected. I'm sure he felt very appreciated and loved. But this chapter has ended and another will begin... I feel like my life should change for the better. I have to find a job and work harder in school. I need to take care of my mom now. I feel that she needs to also move on with life and not take care of anyone other than herself. Something she hasn't been doing since I was born. Been going to the temple with mom and kneeling like there is no tomorrow! I have a new found respect for those who pray all day on their knees. Its not easy! My knees are all bruised! The monk made fun of me saying, "you seem like you're in pain because I saw you fidgeting."

Ahhh. The show must go on right? I'm sure my dad doesn't want to see us all down and crying. He would want us to take better care of ourselves and just live life. He loves us as do we love him. Everything will be ok as long as we try.

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