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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Reality Check

The most painful decision in life is how will you decide to put an end to your love ones life. My father has had a serious stroke and it has left him incapacitated. He is on hospice care and now his health has taken a complete dive downhill. It is scary knowing that there isn't anything we can do to save him so we are left with the ethical question of should we treat him or not? He is most likely infected with a pneumonia and other infections. Doctors say he has months or even weeks to live. They also say that most patients die because of a pneumonia and that it was the best way to go for any person in his condition. I wish it wasn't true and I really was hopeful of him to pull through all the obstacles however this isn't the case anymore. the reality of everything has finally hit our family and we must be strong to make preparations for the oncoming months. What I am saying is... my father is dying and whether we want to treat his pneumonia or let him die because of it. If we treat his pneumonia, it will come back anyway because he can't move therefore he has a high chance of catching a pneumonia again... That means we will prolong his suffering on back pains, bed sores, and further infections just to maintain our selfish needs of not wanting to let him go... Honestly, it is hard... very hard to see your precious person die but it is even harder just watching them suffer slowly until he passes away. Do we really want to aggressively let him pass away... or just prolong his suffering? His functionality will never recover and his brain is already in a vegetable like state... What should we do? I know the best thing for him is just to let him go but its difficult to say goodbye. I love my father very much but it is little that we can do to help ease his pain or help him at all...

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