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Saturday, May 28, 2011

More Photoshop Brushes

Decided to make more moodie face brushes and let everyone download my old set of sparkle brushes. enjoy beezy ;P Download them here

Friday, May 27, 2011

Photoshop Brushes

Download them here
Added a new set of Photoshop brushes into the Downloadables section. Its called Kawaii Face Brushes and they're obviously just cute faced brushes for your convenience!

Hangover Part 2

I went on a triple movie dat night to the movies to watch Hangover 2. HangOver 2 was hilarious. This sequel lived up to its parent film. I just couldn't stop laughing. However, I thought the first one was better :) Won't be a spoiler but I'd give it a 9/10. I give it a nine because it wasn't as funny as the first one but its just as good. Same cast members and yes, with all the ridiculous plots.

Since the school semester is over, I was finally able to do some projects I've been wanting to do like make a keychain with my name on it. It was tricky but I did it. Here are the results:
The plastic didn't come out as thick as I wanted it to. I'm going to try another method to see how it'll work. Or just design some earrings and cut 'em out.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Stressed Out

I feel so stressed out. The past two months has been a nighrmare and I am finally feeling the strain. I keep thinking to myself and just contemplating in my head; what did I ever do to deserve this? I know I can be lazy at times but that doesn't mean my life should be difficult. I grt 3 hours of sleep every night if I am lucky now. I change my dad's diaper at 1:30am and feed him at 2am everyday. Slow feeding him through a pect tube takes one hour so I wont be in bed til 3am. On top of all that, the cycle starts again at 6:30am... Its just hard. We have to do this 5 times a day and each time the routine takes about 2 hours. We only change his diaper because we dont want him to be in danger of aspirating. I wish for the sake of my dad and the rest of the family, that my father will "wakeup" from being incapacitated. I wish he was able to speak and understand. My father means the world to me and it hurts just being unable to reach out to him... I can see that my mom is also in the same boat as me. I feel bad that I cant help her. Shes tired and old. I dont want her to have such a rough life. She hasnt been able to fully take a vacation since I was born... All Ive ever wanted to do was to repay my parents fot all of their love and support all these years... Im just hoping now they'll be able to accept them when I am able to reach those goals... I hope my dad overcomes his weakness. I was very hopeful but as two months passes by... My spirit is slowly being crushed...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Creative Weekend with the Kids

Annie's Hand LoL
Charms made by the kids and I

Busy weekend with my little cousins and her friends. This is the first time teaching someone how to make clay charms and it was kind of challenging. Taught the two kids (Jasmine and Annie) how to make creamsicles, toast, watermelon, and croissant. As you can tell, I drew on the faces because I have a steadier hand. All in all, it was a fun weekend. Too bad I didn't get much studying done. However, I've been so stressed out over the past two months; good to blow off some steam and relax just for a bit. I'll continue to teach them next weekend. Should be fun! More projects to come! 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Movie Night!

Watched Pirates of the Caribbean today! I loved it as I do all the other installments! It had a sense of predictability as well as mystery. Anyway, I fairly enjoyed it! Plus, I haven't had a date night in a long time with the boyfriend so it was fun. :)

I was watching the previews and I'm pretty psyched about all the upcoming movies from Transformers: The Dark Moon, Harry Potter: The Deathly Hollows Part 2, Hangover 2! ZooKeepers seems funny but you never know... it might have been like Mall Cop, fat disappointment because all the funny bits of the movie was shown in movie previews/trailers.

Also in theaters that I want to watch is Bridesmaid, Thor, and Fast Five. Too many movies, too little time. I only got weekends free; the rest of the week I'm stuck at home. boohoo. Can't win them all.

p.s. I updated my flickr account as well as the blog design. Its a tad bit different but its not like anyone notices anyways xD

Sugar Sugar Rune

Just finished watching Sugar Sugar Rune over the week and it was super cute! I actually started watching this a year or two ago but since it was fansubbed, they went on a break at episode 32. -_-
The anime is about two young witches that become queen candidates. In order to become queen, the candidates must collect crystal hearts but there are evil forces out their that are hindering their quest. Who will become queen? :)

Great for all ages. I'd say this is a magical romance story. Reminds me of Sakura Cardcaptors.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Beauty Rants

Dolly Wink Lashes :)
I recently dyed my hair to chocolate brown last month because I honestly don't like the upkeep of light brown hair. Sometimes I want to buy a nice cute little wig to pull off a look or at least make myself feel like I have a full head of hair, literally.

Its been a long long longggg time since I have worn makeup on a regular/daily basis. I miss looking pretty or made up but gosh am I so lazy for it. When I look back at all my old pictures and think about my high school days; I wonder how I ever woke up and get all made, and not be late to school! *sighs* haha. Now I'm just slow applying anything from eyeliner to doing my hair. ;p

That being said, I been looking at a lot of beauty products that I've been wanting. One being the falsies from DollyWink by Tsubasa Masuwaka (pictured above). Shes like flawless but I'm not trying to be her. However, I do like to look all dolled up and might I say, FALSIES MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE.

I also want try this Super Bablesh Balm (bb) cream by SKIN79. I'm feeling old and I've realized over the years I have age spots and just spots in general from who knows where!

I came across this website called and I want to apply for a membership. I'm not a fashionista so I thought it'd be awesome to get cute lil samples of makeup and beauty products in a box every month for 10 bucks. Seems like it would be fun to get a surprise every month.

Ahhh but alas... I'm not going to be able to go out much. I just thought I'd be fun to talk about makeup and beauty stuff. I wish I had the money to buy all the things I've wanted but I don't. I always end up buying stuff that is probably not versatile for me. Lately I purchased a duffel bag -second one this year, and I don't even travel or go anywhere. Another example is just building a whole new desktop PC and not going to really be able to use it because it will be in my bedroom instead of the living room where I will be 80% of the time. Boohoo. This is why I will never be an accountant or a finance major; it just doesn't add up. xD


Its winding down to the last two weeks of school and its just madness... I've been taking care of my dad for two weeks and I honestly feel that I need a long vacation or at least... have one thing less to worry about and thats school work...

On Tuesday there was a shooting at school... 10th Street Garage 5th floor at 8:30pm.. Its funny because I park at the 5th floor and I left school at 8:25pm... Probably drove out the complex at 8:30... now that I think about it.. its pretty scary... I'm glad that I drove out of there before it happened or else I wouldn't have been able to get my car out...

Anyway... It seems that my dad have been discharged home 2 weeks ago... I believe his conditions are getting better with minor set backs... Its more cleanly at home and we're able to move him around alot.. as in flip him back and forth and change his body positions so he wont get bed sores easily... Although its good for him... it sucks for us because we're with him around the clock watching him all day... Not being able to rest and its just tiring. I love my dad though so I don't mind. I just wish he didn't make so much bowel movements. Hes just on a glucerna diet! Oh well.

On a lighter note! Going to Lee's and Phung's Baby Shower this weekend. It'll be fun just to blow some steam. :) Im going to bake some bunny cake pops and possibly totoro for lil Eris. Yep! Congratulations guys.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Magazine Subscriptions

Just subscribed to a few new magazines over the week... I subscribed to a science bundle pack consisting of one year subscription to Popular Science and Discover all for 10 bucks! You can find the deal here!

Today I subscribed to Maximum PC for $4.99 for a year. To subscribe go to and apply the discount code MAXIMUM at check out. That is all for today. :) Happy Sub-scribin'!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cake Poppers

Madelyn May Duong has finally made her debut! My cousin Phung's and Lee's first baby girl is so cute! She had to miss the baby shower for lil Madelyn! I made a lot of cake poppers for the shower though D: no worries though, the other kids loved it. Plus it was cute and fun to make!