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Thursday, June 30, 2011

China Glaze

Bought a few summer colors the other day in addition to the Its My Year polish from my recent post. :) They're bright and fun. No swatches just yet... But first... Swatch of Shooting Star by China Glaze that I been meaning to post a picture of...
China Glaze Shooting Star

Here are my new beauties! <3 Swatches of colors coming soon <3

Its my year...

Ha... not really! However its my day since I Just picked up a few new polishes for the summer. New from OPI's Miss Universe collection, Its My Year. Its a dark purple with gold shimmer flecks. Its pretty nice upclose but I dont know how I feel about it from afar... It just kind of look like a brown mess. When you swipe this polish on your nail, the polish feels gritty to the touch when its dried.

with flash

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Since I was in 5th grade, I have been fascinated with the internet. My favorite search was about Sailor Moon. Somewhere in the line of looking at fansites about Sailor Moon that I thought about making my own website. I started out with a pre-existing template to going onto forums about starting a webpage from scratch. This has lead me learning about HTML. My HTML skills are self-taught. Although I may not know all the HTML codes, I feel that I am very competent in creating a webpage through using HTML without help. I enjoy creating templates and design so learning HTML was fun for me.

Fast forward a decade later, I've taught myself CSS. I went to school for basic programming and now I'm here trying to teach myself Javascript. Honestly, Javascript is very interesting but difficult because its case sensitive! I was so use to working with Visual Basic because it has intellisense which made it easier to type codes. I'm just a beginner but I hope to do better! I wrote a script to navigate back and forth at the top of each page. Its pretty fun! Will be testing more out soon :)

The challenge for myself this summer is to learn JavaScript or at least the basics of it! In order to retain that knowledge, I am going to try and apply all that I've learn into Jen-Tran.Com. Wish me luck!

Challenge: Basic JavaScript Knowledge
Duration: End of summer 2011
Starting today, June 28, 2011.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

New additions!

Check gallery for better view

Decided to go back to the nail supply store yesterday to grab another bottle from the O.P.I. Pirates in the Caribbean collection in Planks a lot (grayish mute purple). Its a nice change from pink everyday. Swatches below:
From the Pirates in the Caribbean Collection: Planks A Lot by O.P.I.
In addition, I purchased Shooting Star by China Glaze and I Juggle... Men from O.P.I.'s Femme de Cirque collection. Pictures below:
OPI Femme de Cirque collection in I Juggle... Men
Shooting Star by China Glaze

Saturday, June 25, 2011

New Header

Made a new banner for my personal webspace. I thought the old one seemed too childish and big so I made a more simpler look. :) Hope you guys like gray and pink themed banners! Check out the RSS, Nails, and Email Icons above! They're just awesome :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Trying to design a new blog layout... I tried designing some icons for fun :) I really never do vector art... just thought it looked so cool.. had to share xD

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Manicures

Left to Right: Bridezilla by China Glaze, Sparrow Me the Drama by OPI, White Cap by China Glaze
I know I said ill do Manicure Mondays but you know everything I plan never goes my way! So I guess I'll just do Summer Manicures. Its summer so I'll definitely be doing my nails a lot more than usual :) I got new nail polish today so I'm super excited. I LOVE PINK! Couldn't help but pick up Pirates of the Caribbean Polish in Sparrow Me the Drama by OPI. Its a lovely dusty pink color. Very cute in my opinion. :) I also picked up a few China glazes in bridezilla (transparent pink iridescent) and white cap (transparent white-golden shimmer). I'll swatch em another day.

Pirates of the Caribbean in Sparrow Me the Drama by OPI
More photos later on in the week possibly. :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

5 years and 9 months

Just a couple more months till our six year anniversary. Baby got me a card for today. Its sweet. Its something small but he hasn't gotten me a card in a long long time. <3 Love you booboo!


Life is different without my father. Mom is doing better than she was last week. Finally spent the day with just mom and I at home without Helen... it turned out fine. Took her to Eastridge and cooked pork chops at home.

I know things are so random. I don't know what to say but thanks to all my family and friends. My fathers funeral went well and had a bigger crowd than we expected. I'm sure he felt very appreciated and loved. But this chapter has ended and another will begin... I feel like my life should change for the better. I have to find a job and work harder in school. I need to take care of my mom now. I feel that she needs to also move on with life and not take care of anyone other than herself. Something she hasn't been doing since I was born. Been going to the temple with mom and kneeling like there is no tomorrow! I have a new found respect for those who pray all day on their knees. Its not easy! My knees are all bruised! The monk made fun of me saying, "you seem like you're in pain because I saw you fidgeting."

Ahhh. The show must go on right? I'm sure my dad doesn't want to see us all down and crying. He would want us to take better care of ourselves and just live life. He loves us as do we love him. Everything will be ok as long as we try.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

R.I.P. Daddy

I love you dad. You are my everything and I wish your afterlife turns out better for you. I will always remember and cherish my precious time with you and all the memories we have created. Its hard for me to accept that you are gone now since your health declined so fast. I miss you very much dad. Please don't wander around aimlessly in limbo and just find peace with Buddha and Grandfather. Everyone here loves you and fondly remembers you. You are our precious father that no one can replace. I only wish you were able to live a little longer and healthier life.

Tran T. Huy
October 28, 1954 (June 29, 1959) - June 7, 2011 @ 6:38pm
I love you.

Dad's Viewing is at Alameda Family on Sunday, June 12, 2011 from 9:00am to 2:00pm
12341 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd., Saratoga, CA 95070

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Reality Check

The most painful decision in life is how will you decide to put an end to your love ones life. My father has had a serious stroke and it has left him incapacitated. He is on hospice care and now his health has taken a complete dive downhill. It is scary knowing that there isn't anything we can do to save him so we are left with the ethical question of should we treat him or not? He is most likely infected with a pneumonia and other infections. Doctors say he has months or even weeks to live. They also say that most patients die because of a pneumonia and that it was the best way to go for any person in his condition. I wish it wasn't true and I really was hopeful of him to pull through all the obstacles however this isn't the case anymore. the reality of everything has finally hit our family and we must be strong to make preparations for the oncoming months. What I am saying is... my father is dying and whether we want to treat his pneumonia or let him die because of it. If we treat his pneumonia, it will come back anyway because he can't move therefore he has a high chance of catching a pneumonia again... That means we will prolong his suffering on back pains, bed sores, and further infections just to maintain our selfish needs of not wanting to let him go... Honestly, it is hard... very hard to see your precious person die but it is even harder just watching them suffer slowly until he passes away. Do we really want to aggressively let him pass away... or just prolong his suffering? His functionality will never recover and his brain is already in a vegetable like state... What should we do? I know the best thing for him is just to let him go but its difficult to say goodbye. I love my father very much but it is little that we can do to help ease his pain or help him at all...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Lace Pattern Vector

Found an awesome site for cute lace pattern vectors. Thought it might be nice to share. Lace Patterns

Sneak Peak: Salve/Balm

Its really been quite a while since I developed any new flavor of lip balms or anything apothecary related. I just didn't have time and space to do any of that. However I decided I am going to create a new salve/balm for cracked skin, dry elbows, chapped lips <3 I'm excited! Time to work on the labels!